Idea Newsletter-July 23

July 2023 Newsletter


Our 2023.2 IDEA YACHT release is now available!

Update 2023.2 IDEA YACHT sees big improvements to our new IDEA Snag List module, allowing even more flexibility, and huge advancements in the way you can utilise your layout. With the ability to create more markers and filter them like never before, plus so much more…

IDEA Data wave

Book your 2023.2 update

We always highly recommend running the latest version of IDEA software, not just to get our most up to date features but to improve onboard workflows and, more importantly, to be in line with the highest security level for your data.

Our latest release 2023.2, which sees huge advancements in our layout drawings, is available now. Book in your IDEA YACHT update by emailing our support team.


IDEA Data wave

IDEA forms strategic partnership with YACHTNEEDS

As part of the latest release of IDEA YACHT, we have teamed up with yachting-specific product marketplace YACHTNEEDS to further enhance our yacht management solution and increase the efficiency of onboard processes…read more


IDEA Data wave


ISM (International Safety Management) Forms can help you stay compliant on your vessel. Learn how to create them and fill them in within IDEA YACHT.

IDEA Data wave
Dirk, senior supporter with body and soul

Dirk has been working at IDEA since 2010, and is one of our veterans with 4,695 tickets solved in the last 2 years alone. Dirk is on hand to give expert support! This column answers your most common questions!

Ask The Dirk

Connecting an entry point with a component

Did you know that you can connect entry points from the Logs and Rounds module with a component?

By reporting a round with this entry point you will then generate data in the components history tab and thus, for example, have a verification for your daily safety check also displayed in the components history…  Read more…


We always love to hear from our customers, please get in touch via our website or e-mail us. You can also follow our posts and join in the conversation on social media.

Best wishes,

The IDEA team