IDEA attend METSTRADE 2021

Still on a high from Monaco Yacht Show , we were recently excited to participate at another in-person event in Amsterdam; the Marine Equipment Trade Show (known as METSTRADE).

It was an uncertain start as the Netherlands experienced record breaking covid cases, but we were reassured by the high levels of professionalism and safety measures but in place by its organisers.

Sadly some of our customers were forced to cancel their visit due to pandemic travel restrictions, but we did have the pleasure of meeting many new people across the marine industry. We discussed interesting new opportunities and ideas to develop our offering, which will keep us busy into 2022.

We felt it made such a difference to be able to speak to customers in-person rather than online. It was great to hear from crew members about how performance updates of the software and services we provide facilitate life on board.

Crew members were impressed by how easy it is to manage Spectro oil analysis, which will be added to our next big release (2021.4 planned for December). They were also treated to a sneak peek of the advantages of fully digital safety forms and checklists!

In addition to positive feedback regarding the improvements of the IDEA YACHT system, we had some great responses to our continuously evolving Fleet Management Portal (FMP), including its current capabilities and planned future applications.

Our experiences at METSTRADE 2021 gave us the confidence to feel that we are still market leaders in the yacht software industry, and the whole IDEA team are excited to work with existing and new customers in 2022.