May Newsletter – 2021

Join us at the Palma Superyacht Show from 3rd – 6th June!

We are delighted to announce that we will be exhibiting at the Palma Superyacht Show this year, from 3rd – 6th June.

Come and meet IDEA’s Managing Director, Tobias, and receive a live demonstration of our software, to see first-hand how our solutions can help you with the smooth running of your vessel.

This event is ticket-only and numbers are limited, if you would like to join us please e-mail us with your request: – we’d love to see you there!


How to manage Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) with your IDEA YACHT software

The EU SRR & IMO HKC requirements regarding Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) is a challenging subject to deal with, but the good news is that IDEA YACHT already supports you with handling IHM!

Using existing functionalities, IHM can be managed as follows:

• Tagged items can now be selected for reporting and other functionalities.
• When it comes to the handling of the required documentation, the easiest way is to simply attach all required documents e.g. SDOCs from suppliers, specific laboratory results, to the related item.
• More general documentation e.g. the IHM maintenance manual, can be handled with the existing Document Manager. This also applies to survey reports and certificates. which can be handled using the ‘Certificates’ feature within the ISM module.
• Finally, the ‘tags’ can also be applied to new items, which are obtained via the purchasing system.
The key step is to ensure the correct tagging of the related items, required functions such as reporting and document handling already exist.

Please contact our team (e-mail:, if you would like to know more about this function.

Video of the month

This month’s short video focuses on the highlights and features of our Logs & Rounds module.

CIick the play button below to watch


New feature patch release for IDEA YACHT 2021 

The main purpose of this release is to align functions in IDEA YACHT, for customers who have an active subscription.

The patch will be rolled out to all our online none-replicating pages next week, on board installations need a manual upgrade via the DownloadCenter tool – downloads are available now.

Main changes

Database analytics – Let IDEA YACHT check your database in real-time, provide you with an overview about potential issues and suggest possible solutions such as:

• “Hourly”/”Hour” tasks without an hour-counter
• Empty entries
• Tasks without trigger
• Critical without serial/manufacturer
• Critical without tasks
• Responsible crew
• Empty structural elements
• Show purchase approval states directly in the overview page, quickly identify what needs attention.
• Includes the AMCS communication into the maintenance calculation – external system can now trigger tasks by providing running hours to IDEA YACHT.

For support with any aspect of the upgrade, please contact our team:

We always love to hear from our customers, please get in touch via our website or e-mail us.

You can also follow our posts and join in the conversation on social media.

Best wishes,

The IDEA team