January Newsletter

IDEA Superyacht Managment Software:
Thank you for your Feedback

Happy New Year 2023 and best wishes from your IDEA TEAM. As one of the most diverse superycht managemnt software packages for superyachts and related assets, IDEA YACHT can be used on all common software platforms. Native apps on iOS and Android allow you to stay up to date with all common smartphones and to carry out your work safely and easily even in hard-to-reach places. We are pleased that you, our customers, confirm us again and again in what we do. For this reason we say THANK YOU!
Please don’t hesitate to give us feedback at any time if we don’t exceed your expectations: Your criticism and suggestions for improvement can be sent quickly and directly to feedback@idea-data.com and maybe the next feature will be inspired by you!

After the trade fair season is before the trade fair season: The Boat Show 2023

The water sports world is looking forward to the joint start of the season in Düsseldorf. From January 21 to 29, 2023, boot will open its doors again on its regular date at the beginning of the year. Ticket sales have just started and visitors are looking forward to their event in Düsseldorf. We are also looking forward to being part of the Beiderbeck stand (Hall 7a / Stand G23). 

New 2023 - New IDEA YACHT Version!! Get your free update now!

What could be better to directly start with a new version of IDEA YACHT? We are in the process to release the first 2023 version and you should benefit from it!

Just Contact our Support Team at support@idea-data.com, grant IDEA access to the IDEA installation via remote and Lean back and get the newest version of our superyacht management software without any additional effort!

We always highly recommend running the newest version, not just to get the newest features to improve the onboard workflows, but more important to be in line with the highest security level for your data.

Dirk, senior supporter with body and soul
Dirk has been working at IDEA since 2010 and is one of the veterans and with 4695 tickets solved only in the last 2 years, is one of the best that our support has to give! This column answers your most common questions!

A comment from Dirk

Did you know that you can access an information page directly from your IDEA login where you can see all your licensed modules within IDEA, any trials/evaluations, how many network licenses for simultaneous logins you have and who is currently logged in?

Where to find license information for the IDEA Yacht installation

Last but not least: THE TEASER OF THE MONTH - new feature is coming!

Now it’s a done deal. A function that has long been part of our commercial software is now also part of the IDEA cosmos: Snagging. This general layout-based functionality not only allows you to record damage on-the-fly and forward correspondingly designed workflows, but also to involve external parties in order to better plan repairs, maintenance or even entire refits in order to always keep an eye on the implementation information within our next newsletters!

We always love to hear from our customers, please get in touch via our website or e-mail us. You can also follow our posts and join in the conversation on social media.

Best wishes,

The IDEA team