December Newsletter – 2021

Festive period – limited availability for support

Please note that over the Christmas period, our support team will be unavailable on the
24th and 31st December.

Top changes in our Q4 release:

• Spectro / Jet Care integration into IDEA YACHT.
• ISM Forms and checklist for IDEA YACHT mobile.
• New widgets for your custom dashboard.
• Reminders offer user defined warning levels.
• New Lab requests tracking widget.
• System health widget.
• New Rounds widget.
• Link work order purchases to maintenance tasks.
• Amazon integration for inventory search.

Seasons Greetings from the team at IDEA!

Did you know that we have a whole library of video walkthroughs and webinars, guiding you through the features and benefits of IDEA software? We also have a host of instructional videos.

Take a look at:

We always love to hear from our customers, please get in touch via our website or e-mail us.

You can also follow our posts and join in the conversation on social media.

Best wishes,

The IDEA team