The best way to track your crew's hours of rest

The yachting industry is demanding and fast-paced; yacht crew members work tirelessly to ensure that a yacht runs smoothly and that guests onboard are happy and satisfied. However, it is important to remember that yacht crew are subject to legal limits on their working hours, which are put in place to protect their health and safety.
Maritime Labour Convention
The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) is an international labour standard for seafarers established by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The convention sets out minimum requirements for working hours and rest periods for seafarers, with the aim of ensuring that seafarers are not overworked and that they have sufficient rest periods to maintain their health and well-being.
Under the MLC, the maximum hours of work per day for seafarers are 14 hours, and the maximum hours of work per week are 72 hours. However, these limits may be extended in certain circumstances, such as during an emergency or when the ship is entering or leaving port. In such cases, the seafarers must be compensated with additional rest periods or pay.
In addition to setting maximum working hours, the MLC also requires that seafarers are provided with adequate rest periods. The convention stipulates that seafarers must be provided with at least 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period, and at least 77 hours of rest in any seven-day period. These rest periods must be free from work-related duties and must be uninterrupted, except in cases of emergency or other exceptional circumstances.
The MLC also requires that seafarers be provided with regular breaks during their working hours. The convention stipulates that seafarers must be provided with a minimum of one hour of rest during any period of work exceeding six hours, and that this rest period should be divided into two periods of not less than 30 minutes each.
The Maritime Labour Convention sets out important regulations on working hours and rest periods for seafarers. By ensuring that seafarers are not overworked and that they have sufficient rest periods, the convention helps to protect the health and well-being of seafarers and ensures the safety of the ships on which they work. It is important for captains and owners to comply with the requirements of the convention to ensure that crew are treated fairly and with respect.
Hours of Rest
IDEA YACHT’s Hour of Rest module provides captains, bosuns, and chief stewards with the ability to track crew member working hours, how much rest they have had, see their working schedule, and ensure they have accrued adequate rest on an easy-to-navigate platform.
With a calendar view, crew time balances and scheduling, and the ability to flag violations of working time directives, IDEA YACHT’s Hours of Rest overview is invaluable to making sure that rotas are adhered to and that your operations remain compliant. Moreover, crew can clock in and out themselves via a specially generated QR code.
Don’t run the risk of falling foul of Maritime Labour Convention working hours with IDEA YACHT’s Hours of Work module. I you’d like to learn more, book in a call with one of our yacht management software experts.