How to raise events and link components with different equipment types!
Hi All,
this week we have the next two gems I would like to share with you:
- Maintenance events, get tasks due by starting an event
- Component equipment types, tag components with multiple custom types
A point on the wishlist list was a change in the maintenance system. With the next major release you will be able to raise maintenance events in IDEAYacht.
A task can be connected to an event – if this event is now started, the task will get due at the given date.
An event can be raised using the calendar page, simply right click and select raise an event or by using the raise event button on the maintenance plan page.
This will allow you to simply plan spare parts for docking periods, and all other events you would like to track in all departments.
Our third change is related to equipment type (components).
User are now able to select multiple custom value for a component.
This allows people to tag a component with their own data and offers new ways to structure your data.
All existing data was converted to the new schema, no change is required from the user to use the new system.
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Best regards