We are happy to announce the new 2021.2 IDEA YACHT release, which includes a lot of additional features for all active and long-term customers.

Some of the key features are:


The app dashboard allows you to quickly search your complete database; select the top search bar and start typing. In case you own the IDEA YACHT barcode module, you can also scan any barcodes produced by IDEA YACHT using the blue barcode button on the left to open your camera.


Once you started using the app, the recent section at the bottom will fill with elements you have used frequently. One tap on the elements will open the related detail page or allow you to directly update them (for example running hours):


Database analytics

IDEA YACHT now offers an analytics page that will scan the database for possible issues and categorise them based on type and severity. The database is always checked in real time when the page gets opened.

It’s possible to review the details by clicking on the related button at the end of the row, the following popup allows you to search in the result set or jump to the related elements in your database:

Hours of Rest update

Tracking working and rest hours is a critical part of the daily on board duties, with IDEA YACHT 2021.2 these tasks got even easier. The Hours of rest module in IDEA YACHT offers an easy way to track and review hours.

Every crew member that get’s moved into an “on board” status (please have a look at your system settings to see what states you have configured) will automatically be unlocked to track hours.
Crew members can enter hours either using the Mobile App (please see below), the full IDEA YACHT webpage or the new hours of rest page (more below).

Enter hours
As a crew member you can enter your hours using the way that fits your needs, the following options are available:

• Login to the IDEA YACHT and open the Hours of Rest – Enter hours page
• Use the IDEA YACHT App and click on Hours of Rest on the main dashboard
o No extra costs if you have an active subscription for IDEA YACHT
• Use the hours of rest page, either by opening the link or scanning the QR code (more below)

If you want to use the full page, you have access to all other features of IDEA YACHT (depending on your permissions), please note this will lock a network license (as long as you are logged in).

If you want to use the hours of rest page, no license will be used, unlimited crew members can use this way to enter hour data into IDEA YACHT. The same is true for the IDEA YACHT app (if you have an active subscription).

You can access the hours of rest page by either scanning the QR code in IDEA YACHT with a QR reader (or the camera app, depends on your phone) and open the URL. This page is connected to your account and can only be used to enter hours.

Your IDEA Administrator can also directly send you the URL (see configuration below). What ever way you choose to enter your hours, the way to do it stays the same.

Click on the hours you worked, everything left blank is rest. The system supports autofill based on your regular working hours (in case they need to be changed, see the configuration section). Please note, once data is entered it might be read only based on your permissions.


All configuration for hours of rest can be done performed with the Hours of Rest – Manage Crew page.

Each crew member needs an entry here to use the page, entries can have open end. By default the system will generate the access token, the URL is only valid for the selected user (it will require the user to login).
You can set up the regularly working days and hours here as well, by default IDEA will create a 5 day/8am – 5pm week.


Entered hours can be controlled and approved using the Hours of Rest – Controlling page. The page will show by default only on board crew members (can be changed in the filter). If you don’t see a crew member in the list, no hours were entered in the requested time frame (monthly view).

If you expand the row, you can confirm all entered hours for the selected month for that user. Confirmed hours will show both signature in the IMO report (if both, the crew member and you, have setup the signature in IDEA YACHT).

The hours of rest can be printed to the IMO report or exported to Excel for further processing.

Stock history templates

Manual stock level changes can happen due to multiple reasons – to allow later analytics and checks to be performed more reliable, IDEA YACHT now offers stock history templates.

You can configure your own templates and use them in any stock change dialog. To create new templates, head over to Settings – Dropdown fields: Stock Control and select the Stock Comment Templates.