August Newsletter – join us for a day in the life of an IDEA vessel!

Hello there!

We’d like to share a round up of our latest news and developments. Read on to find out about how we listened to customer feedback to add a new function for COVID-19 vaccination status of crew, why our annual fees are so important and join us for a day in the life of an IDEA superyacht, in our new video!

We are also making final preparations for Monaco Yacht Show next month and would love for you to join us, either in-person or virtually (keep an eye on our channels for updates!)

We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions so remember to keep in touch via e-mail and social media.

Warm regards,

The IDEA team


COVID-19 vaccination status functionality – IDEA reacts to our customer feedback to provide a solution

The IDEA support team recently received an interesting question from one of our long-term customers, who works as a Captain of a vessel.

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, super-yacht crews are facing additional administrational burdens and most port authorities across the world now request information regarding the vaccination status of the people on board. Our customer asked if there is a way to simplify this new process and have it included in a report.

This is a perfect example of a problem for which the solution is already available within IDEA YACHT software, although we hadn’t thought about applying the functionality in this context.

This is where the strength of our customer relationships really benefits us. In receiving these types of questions, it challenges the IDEA team to come up with a solution for the problem presented.

So what was the solution in this case? Basically, there are two options available within IDEA YACHT:

1. In the Crew Certificates section of the Crew & Guest Database, simply create a new category such as ‘Covid-19 Vaccination’, this is then set to be mandatory for all roles on board. All person-specific information can now be added, even the certificate itself can be attached. Using the filtering function makes it easy to get an overview of the status and it is also possible to create a report based on this information, which can then be handed over to the related authorities.

2. The Crew & Guest Database offers the possibility to add Medical Details. This also includes a ‘Vaccinations’ section, where ‘Covid-19 Vaccination’ can be added, including the date of the vaccination and related expiry date.

A report can also be created using the ‘Vaccination Report’ function in the ‘Reports’ section of IDEA YACHT.

Our support team summarised this information and sent it to the captain, who was very happy with the solution and detailed instructions of how to set this functionality up in their IDEA YACHT system on board.

This story proves how incredibly important customer feedback is for a software company, to be able to provide its customers with the right solutions. This example has also proven that we are on the right track, developing solutions based on customer feedback.

If you have questions, requests or feedback please get in touch.


Why are annual fees so important for IDEA Yacht software?

As you have seen in our latest release newsletter, a lot of functionality has recently been added to our software to offer an improved experience to our valued customers.

To ensure we comply with all regulations and upcoming market changes, a price increase of the yearly license subscription and support plan fee is required, which will come into effect in 2022.

As well as the additional benefits and support we are offering, the license subscription enables us to improve the software suite and develop additional functions and features, based on your feedback and requests.

In case you missed it, you can read all about the key features from our latest release here.


Come and visit us at Monaco Yacht Show – 22nd – 25th September

We are excited to once again be exhibiting at Monaco Yacht Show 2021, the world’s leading yacht show.

It is a brilliant opportunity to meet clients and demonstrate the features and benefits of our software in a live environment. It also allows us to receive valuable feedback which helps us to continue developing and improving our products, with our users in mind.

We are looking forward to welcoming you! (photo credit: Monaco Yacht Show)

Please get in touch to register your interest for tickets to the event.

Video of the month - a busy start in the day of an IDEA superyacht

Discover what happens behind the scenes of running a superyacht and how IDEA software can help with the efficient management of your vessel!

Contact our team for a free demo or with any questions you may have – e-mail:


We always love to hear from our customers, please get in touch via our website or e-mail us.

You can also follow our posts and join in the conversation on social media.

Best wishes,

The IDEA team